Friday, February 8, 2013

We are still getting things set up....

Our coach is in the process of being loaded with all the necessary gadgets and gizmos  that will make it's our home away from home. I am still learning and reading as much as I possibly can so that I can help with the RV experience instead of leaving it up to my husband to remember to do everything. Here are a few pictures of our rig. I think we're going to give it a test run before we actually taking on a trip just to make sure that we have everything that we need. I'm thinking of things everyday that I might need. That's one of my worst fears is to go somewhere and be like oh my gosh I just forgot my toothbrush or something like that.
But just f.y.i this will be a little documentation of our trips an hour adventures that we go on an RV and our family.

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